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The Population Has Spoken

Written by Origin Active Lifestyle Communities | March 15, 2018

There are now 5.9 million Canadian seniors over the age of 65, compared to only 5.8 million Canadians that are 14 years old and younger! Statistics Canada's 2016 census figures, which include demographic data related to age, gender, and population density, states that this is a historic increase in the number of people over 65 - a jump of 20 percent since 2011.

There are many contributing factors to these figures and understanding all of the implications concerning the future of Canada that can be derived from Statistics Canada's data is complex and challenging. Canada is now facing a decline in the availability of public services. Funded care cannot be relied on to the same extent as it once was. With families now wondering how to navigate the changing landscape of active aging, it is essential to find the right resources and opportunities for aging adults. What are the next steps to consider? Origin Active Lifestyle recognizes three wonderful trends that speak to the future of Canadians.

Overall Health

The increasing life expectancy of Canadians is gradually bringing the number and proportion of seniors upward. With advances in overall wellness and the understanding of medicinal best practices increasing, seniors are not just living longer; they are living more active, stronger, and healthier later in life! Because of this, seniors are now able to reimagine what they can be involved in and take advantage of the healthy time that they have been given. Seniors are no longer constrained to the old concepts of being worn out and worn down. Being proactive with their health has given baby boomers a fresh and vibrant outlook on life. Finding the right community that engages and promotes these health advances is vital. 

Active Enjoyment

As the level of health increases for baby boomers, active enjoyment of life becomes an exciting reality. The mindset has shifted from cautiously maintaining a normal lifestyle to experiencing new and exciting opportunities. Retiring has been redefined as a moment when one season of life may be ending, but entirely new and wonderful seasons of life awaits. Seniors are skydiving, starting new careers, and doing all sorts of creative and adventurous things. This increased level of active enjoyment bolsters the Canadian economy because baby boomers are not disappearing behind closed doors - they are participating and shaping communities that offer active lifestyles. Andre Lebel, a demographer with Statistics Canada, shares, "Just because someone reaches the age of 65, that doesn't mean they aren't active anymore." An active community is just that, active in encouraging this lifestyle of full living! Just maintaining is a thing of the past. 

Growing Opportunity

With seniors now feeling healthier than ever before and looking to enjoy life as long as possible, there is a growing opportunity for both seniors and other age demographics. The idea that when one generation benefits the other generations suffers is toxic and must be vanquished. Rather, consider that with more seniors seeking active living, more jobs and more communities are created and encouraged. As each generation recognizes that there are benefits to providing for each other, all generations flourish.

In this historic moment, generations championing each other in complete wellness bring a hopeful future for Canada. A community that recognizes this will create and cultivate a vibrant culture where everyone benefits through relationship and financial investment. 

Origin Active Lifestyle Communities is engaged in bringing these thoughts to life. We believe that our retirement communities provide, both, a dream home and a dream job. Each one of our unique and beautiful communities are advancing the philosophy of complete wellness incorporating all generations. To discover the amazing opportunities available today and be a part of bringing Canada into the future, contact us today!